Who Is Everyman Boats?
The 2008 Waikato Boating and Leisure show saw the introduction of the Everyman Brand. On display were an Everyman 635 Hard Top (H/T) and an Everyman 550 Cuddy. They both attracted a lot of attention and Everyman Boats Limited quickly established itself as a boat manufacturer that would set new standards in both performance and stability. Our philosophy is to combine a moderate dead rise “V” with wide chines and superior hull rigidity to produce a stable yet responsive hull. The Everyman hull does not require a flooding keel to achieve its stated goal.
In 8 years Everyman Boats Limited has on offer a range of boats to suit most boaties needs, from the entry level 470 to the hard working 950 commercial boat.
Our company philosophy is to offer exceptional boats at realistic prices with industry leading service.
In December 2012 the company moved into new premises at 23 Grasslands place, Frankton, Hamilton – a building purpose built by Ramco Boats in 1996.
The factory, yard and fitout bay has scope to build 50 to 60 boats per annum – a ‘target’ likely to be achieved in 2015.
Brand awareness
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
Very important in such a competitive industry. Everyman Boats has religiously attended the May Hutchwilco Boat Show since 2008. This premium trailer boat show for the upper north island attracts upwards of 35,000 people every year. Our stand has grown steadily and its gratifying to get people call in or ring us – months and sometimes years after saying I saw your boats at the Boat Show and would like to get a quote. Whilst we don’t manufacture to the scale of the likes of Surtees or Stabicraft, our brand recognition and public awareness has gained considerable momentum in the last two years.
Our range is now significantly bigger than that of two years ago, but such is the success of the Hutchwilco event , we cannot get a bigger stand- very frustrating.
New Caledonia
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
In 2013 we travelled to New Caledonia to meet a gentleman ( Jose) emailing us about our boats .We coincided the visit with a Boat Show in Noumea. On display were several NZ boat brands and we wondered how on earth we were going to get into this ( seemingly) already oversupplied market?
As it happened we met and instantly had an infinity with 2 guys who operate an import company called Quality Boats.
After talking with them the challenge was made, if you are serious about a quality plate boat to add to your current business ( they import the Stabicraft brand) – then come and see us in New Zealand- to which they responded to 2 months later. We had them sea trial most of our range ( 950, 750, 690, 635, 470) and were very impressed- the rest is history, in 8 months we have exported 7 boats with more orders on the books.
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
We exported a 685 to Australia some 3 years ago and now its time to explore our options there fully. The first boat was a 685 and was purchased by an Aussie whilst here on holiday in New Zealand. He wasn’t looking to buy a boat, but when he saw our 685 demonstrator, he was instantly taken by its quality build and the inherent beaminess of it – he told us he had a very scary incident with a Surtees whilst fishing for tuna way out to sea… sounds familiar, deal done!
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
Its now been 3 years since we sent our head turning 595 centre console to Vanuatu. The boat is still in great ‘nic’ having now done over 300 hours on its Yahama 115hp 4 stroke motor. The boat has caught multiple marlin and many other “pin” fish in the waters around Santo.
David, our customer, had two previous Stabicrafts and came to the Huchwilco boat show in 2011 to buy a third one- with a few modifications to better suit his fishing needs. Unfortunately (fortunately for us) Stabicraft said no to all his requests so he wandered on through the rest of the boat show pondering his next move. He met the Everyman crew with two centre consoles on display – a 595 and a 635. Discussion commenced about can we alter this, add this, and how can I be sure of the integrity of the hull.
Along came Richard and his wife Tricia who owns the 595 centre console we had on display- I left them to it, and 30 minutes later David said goodbye – I’ll be in touch in 2 to 3 months time - how many times had I heard that before! True to his word David contacted me 2 ½ months later and pricing options commenced. The result was the most extensively fitted out 595 centre console we have done.
The only thing David wishes he had changed was to have the 635 hull (more horsepower), the thinking at the time was that he would be fishing single handed most of the time- but guess what, an amazing boat attracts mates, lots of mates, something the Stabis never achieved. David has mentioned he will get us to build an 8 metre centre console shortly – problem is he cant kill the 595- not from a lack of trying…
May, 2014
By Russell Spiers
A New Zealand couple needed to replace their ageing 7 meter water taxi that services their Fijian resort off the coast on Nandi. After convincing the Fiji authorities of the need to have a quality boat imported, befitting the quality of their resort (thereby obtaining a reduction in the protectionist import duty) the order was received to build a modified 690. The roof was extended as were the cabin sides, and seating for 6 passengers (and 2 crew) were incorporated.
New Models
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
“Standstill and you’re dead in the water”
In the last 2 years Everyman Boats has: Re-styled the 685 to include a raised sheer line. Now rebadged the 690.
Designed and put into production a new model to slot nicely between the ever popular 635 and the 690 – the all new 650 – available in 3 modes, center console/ cuddy cabin and hardtop.
The all new 850 model has been introduced as well, available in 3 modes, pro fisher/ sports fisher/ and game fisher. Designed to be setup with a single outboard, twin outboards, and diesel inboard namely either the Mercury 4.2 litre TDi V8, or one of the offerings from Volvo (D4 or D6).
The first one to be built was a pro fisher model with a 8mm bottom and powered by a single Yamaha 300hp outboard motor. Unsurprisingly, for such a big boat, it went incredibly well- light ship achieved just under 40 knots and handles great “ I turned the helm fully at 28 knots and no problems at all”. The boat has twin 195 litre fuel tanks, flush floors forward for maximum storage and maximum flotation- to the point where it is classed as unsinkable. It’s destined for commercial fishing off the Northern tip of New Caledonia.
To coincide with the 2014 Hutchwilco Boat Show, we produced a 750 G/F diesel. Using Mercury’s very popular 3.0 litre TDi V6 engine and a Bravo 3 leg, the boat has proven to be a winner. WOT is 35knots and cruise speed is anywhere from 18 knots to 32 knots at a fraction over 1 litre per sea mile – phenomenal. With 295 litres in the tank, the range is fantastic… To the Barrier, mooch around for 2 to 3 days and back home again. The other great thing is the noise- like the Mitsubishi advertisement for their air conditioners – very very quite – well just about. Gone are the days where you can’t talk above the noise of the motor.
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
Our philosophy has always been to have a great performing boat with a moderate “v”, thereby never having to have a flooding keel. Something Nigel has always berated- why have salt water inside your boat?
Adding to this is some pretty well proven ratios of beam versus boat length – stray to far from the basics and you’re in trouble- examples of recent times are the Surtees Mk1 850 boat- designed at 2.5 wide- needed automatic trim tabs to keep it upright- now replaced with a new model. The Extreme 750- 2.75 wide beam, and said to handle like a bus. It seems all the leading brands have done it at one time or another.
As for flooding keels- corrosion is inevitable- and there are signs emerging already to prove it.
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
Over the recent years we have invited our many customers to put ‘pen to paper’ and tell us a little about their respective boats. Our new website has quite a few of these for you to read. They all seem to say pretty much the same thing; the boats are made very well, perform very well, look great and happy to have chosen an Everyman Boat. A few have expressed some trepidation at buying such a new brand, but all go on to say the whole experience was pretty well faultless.
To this end I must say publicly a big thank you to my business partner Nigel, who has managed to build boats to such a high standard under sometimes trying conditions. Without his skill and dedication to the job, Everyman Boats would not have been able to make headway in such difficult economic times.
Wrap up
December, 2014
By Russell Spiers
The industry is full of interesting people- you meet them all the time. In Noumea, the two principles of Quality Boats are seasoned boaties- David has sailed the oceans for more than 35 years and Delwyn sailed from England to spend 7 years plying the east coast of Africa ; and when it was suggested he should write a book on it , he said he has already done so.
Boating in New Zealand in a huge part of our psyche- whether it be fishing, diving, skiing, or pleasure; and you meet people with common aspirations all the time- every time I call into my local bait shop I meet someone new.
I met a gentleman last winter who proudly announced he had just received delivery of his new 7 metre boat (not an Everyman!).
His excitement was so evident, and he invited me out for a blast on Lake Karapiro (second time in the water – the first time wasn’t to be counted as it didn’t go!) Hello, it didn’t go this time either… there is more to this story but I had better leave it there for obvious reasons… safe to say he should have bought an Everyman!